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The streak of a mineral is much more accurate in identifying a mineral than color. The streak of a mineral can distinguish minerals with metallic and non-metallic luster. For example, metallic minerals generally have a dark streak whereas non-metallic luster minerals often have a light colored streak.

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9y ago

Streak in its powdered form is a better indicator of a rock's true color. Rubbing a rock over a piece of hard, unglazed porcelain causes a streak.

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11y ago

because its a mineal

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Q: Why Is Streak A Useful Property For Identifying Minerals?
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What property is the least useful in identifying minerals?

there are a few : hardness, luster, cleavage, streak, color, and density. there are more but i don't know them off the top of my head.

What property is the least useful for identifying minerals?

All properties are useful there is no one property that is "least useful".

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If a mineral has no streak is it metallic?

When identifying minerals, having no streak is a property of hardness. A streak plate has a hardness of ~7(Moh's Scale). Thus any mineral having a hardness greater than 7 will have no streak.Metallic is the description of luster. Or the general appearance of a mineral surface in reflected light.If you were refering to the mineral having metal elements in it, streak is actually very useful for identifying them. Many minerals that are composed of non-metals have a white streak which can appear to be no streak, however there are also many minerals with no streak which are composed of non-metallic minerals (Diamond).

What properties are least useful in identifying a mineral?

Color and streak would be the least useful, because they may be shared by a multitude of other minerals.

What two properties are least useful in identifying a mineral?

Color and streak would be the least useful, because they may be shared by a multitude of other minerals.

The most useful physical properties for identifying minerals are?

either color, cleavage, and crystal form or crystal form, cleavage, and streak

What is generally the least useful in identifying minerals?

which of the following properties is generally the least useful in identifying minerals

What mineral property is the least useful property?

The least effective property used to identify most minerals would be the color. The color of a mineral can be altered by impurities.

Which propety is generally the least useful when identifying minerals?

The color of a mineral is the least useful when identifying minerals. A mineral can exist in various colors. This is because presence of certain chemicals will change the color of the mineral. Weathering can also change the color of the mineral. Therefore color is not a good property to identify minerals.

What property is generally least useful in identifying minerals?

Density is the least useful property for identification because different specimens of the same type of mineral can vary in size. -Color is the least useful property for identification because it is the most obvious property.

What is the least useful characteristic in identifying minerals?
