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It sometimes comes into conflict with American ideals such as hard work and responsibility

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Q: Why is the welfare state in the US less developed than many other industrialized democracies?
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Compared to other industrialized democracies the American work force?

organized,unionized more or less

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The same as they do in other western industrialized countries.

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Developing countries are also known as third world countries. These countries are less industrialized than developed countries. Many countries in Africa and southern Asia are third world countries.

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No, many other democracies evolved, particularly in the Delian League which Athens led.

How do know if a country is developed?

A developed country is a sovereign state that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. A lot of parameters are taken into account to evaluate the degree of development in a particular country. Countries with developed economy usually have high income per capita and a high Human Development Index (HDI). These countries also have high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

In Malaysia a developing country?

No.It's a newly industrialized country which is up to par with Mexico, China, and India.It's fastly approaching to a developed country status. Also, poverty in Malaysia is relatively lower than other countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, etc.

Why does government spend there money on welfare?

the welfare for the government is 14000 pounds a year

What would have been thomas Jefferson's reaction to the industrialized America?

Jefferson's instinct would be to distrust an industrialized America. He felt most at home in an agrarian community. However, when he visited France and other nations in Europe he marveled at the advancement of knowledge, commerce and progressive thought. This appealed to his genius intellect. On the one hand he developed a real zeal for Europe's enlightenment, but on the other hand he retained an innate fear of the consequences of an industrialized world. He knew Europe was governed by Monarchies and its people were not free citizens. He feared this consequence for America should it adopt the Hamiltonian approach to industrial growth.

What is one newly industrialized country?

A newly industrializing country is a country formerly classified as under developed, but which is becoming rapidly industrialized. The first wave of countries to be identified as newly industrializing included Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. These countries underwent rapid industrial growth in the 1970s and 1980s, attracting significant financial investment, and are now associated with high-technology industries. More recently, Thailand, China, and Malaysia have been classified as newly industrializing countries.