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On the double crown of Egypt is a cobra ready to strike, symbolizing Wadjet, who was a Lower Egyptian god, and was considered a protector of Egypt.

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So he can show he has sexual intercourse with snakes.

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Q: Why is there a snake in the pharaohs hat?
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What name was used by several pharaohs?

the name that most of them hat was heyimdumb the name that most of them hat was heyimdumb

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Why did Pharaohs wear snakes on their crowns

Why was the pharaoh not impressed when Moses turned the stick into a snake?

The Pharaohs heart was hardened, and the Egyptian magician also changed the staff into a snake.

What do most pictures of pharaohs have in common?

they all have the hook and wipe thing, also the ridiculous beard and hat

What was the name of Cleopatra's snake?

Cleopatra herself had no snake. However, the asp, or Egyptian cobra, was the snake associated with the Egyptian rulers. It was depicted on their crowns and was supposed to be a protection for the Pharaohs. The myth of Cleopatra being bitten by one of them is just that--a myth.

What was pharaohs hat called?

The double crown of ancient Egypt was called the the Pschent.

What costumes do you get on wild west island?

You get the "Rattlesnake Wrangler" costume which comes with a snake hat, grey-green scarf, cowboy/girl shirt, a snake rope and black pants.

What kind of clothing did pharaohs wear?

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt would wear garments made with thin threads of beaten gold. They put blue or white eye shadow.

Hat are some animals that begin with the letter N?

New Zealand Grebe is a bird. Northern Rubber Boa is a snake.