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It sounds like you might not have a problem with that ear, but rather the other one. It could be that the ear without wax hears normally, while the other side may be muffled from compacted ear wax. If you have not had a professional look in your ears with an otoscope, you probably should.

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Q: Why is there no ear wax in one ear and it is really loud in that ear?
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Do loud music produce ear wax?

Our professor of anatomy at the university of Malta says that loud music does not produce more ear wax. She also says that the ear wax is a deterrent for insects like mosquitos.

Can ear wax build up cause ring in the ear or can loud noisy work on construction jobs caused ringing in the ear or infection?

Yes, because your ear wax which collects in your ear canal may be a very dangerous thing and your ear drum is also extremely delicate. Here are some causes: ear phones, loud music construction work and many other loud things. On a noise scale listening to loud music is the top with around 150 decibels.

Does making ear wax candles really work?

Making ear wax candles does work if done correctly and safely. When the right way and the safe way you will melt away most of the wax left in your ear.

Loud sounds can cause damage to the?

Loud noises can damage the ear drum. Sometimes the cochlea can also be damaged which could cause permanant deafness. Wax in your ear canal can cause temporary deafness

Do swans have ear wax?

You don't really want to know the answer to that.

Why do you have both really dry ear wax that sticks to you ear like a scab but isn't and also wet wax at the same time that i can't get rid of becaouse i constantly have buildup of wax?

ear candles are fake, they have the wax in it before you use it source youtube - SEARCH EAR CANDLES TRUTH

What are ear candles made of and how are they used?

Ear Candles are made of wax. They are used to drip into your ear, and clear them out. I don't know who would do that though, why not just use q tips, instead of hot wax.

Is it better to use ear wax or ear plugs for swimming?

ear plugs, ear wax sticks

Who created ear wax?

Well - if we have to assign responsibility to a single person for the creation of ear wax, it would have to be God who created us in His image. (Does God have ear wax then? Hmmm. Never considered that before). Everyone creates ear wax - just in differing amounts. Ear wax is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of all healthy humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects and water. It's hard to imagine that the first humans didn't notice the presence of ear wax, so we really can't assign its discovery to any one person either.

Is dry ear wax more dominant than wet ear wax?

Ear Suction is the safest and most comfortable method of ear wax removal, no liquids are used during the procedure which means that there is no mess during the procedure. The fact that we can clearly see the ear canal and more importantly exactly what we are doing makes it an exceptionally safe procedure. It is a comfortable process. Ear Wax Removal in Auckland

Will your ears produce more ear wax to compensate for the ear wax that has been removed?

Not necessarily. Ear wax is produced naturally as a protective coating for the ear canal, and irritation of the canal can cause increased production. When excessive ear wax has been removed, if there is no irritation the production of ear wax should return to normal.

Do candles have any special meanings in different religions?

in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax