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Subduction creates immense pressure and heat, melting the rock just below the surface of a fault line. The building pressure often gives way and causes volcanic events.

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Volcanism isn't a word. Do you mean, why are volcanoes common in subduction zones?

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Where might you expect to find volcanoes?

Near subduction zones.

Where do you find ocean trenches and rift valleys?

at the very bottom of the ocean, usally

What type of landforms or activity can be found at a convergent boundary?

You could find mountains, valleys, faults, subduction zones, trenches, or experience volcanism or earthquakes.

Where do you find most of the zones of earthquakes and volcanoes on Earth's surface?

usually you find most of the zones of earthquakes and volcanoes at a plate boundary.

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They usually show up in desert zones.

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Why are igneous rock found in collision zones?

There are many explanation to your question. The most abundant type of rocks in collision zones are metamorphic rocks. But if there is a igneous it can as a result of convergence boundaries. In subduction zones where rising magma are penetrate through weaker rocks to form form lava and when solidified forms igneous rocks. You can also find them in accretion zones. Where 2 continental plates are accreted due to plate movement. They are not newly formed igneous. they have been there for years before accretion.

Where on earth would you find a subduction zone?

You could find subduction zones in the depths of the oceans, at some plate boundaries. At this location, you would observe one tectonic plate (a plate of lower density then the other) being slipped under another plate into magma. These are also known as destructive boundaries, because crust is being destroyed, (as opposed to diverent boundaries where leaking magma creates new crust.)

Why do you usually find volcanoes near subduction zones?

When one plate slides beneath another it carries volatiles such as water with it. These substances get into the mantle rock and lower the temperature needed for it to melt. This molten material then rises as it is less dense and forms volcanoes as it reaches the surface.

Where is the best place online to find out about international time zones?

The best page to find out about international time zones is a page called "TimeAndDate". On their website you will find all the different time zones. You can even search after a particular city to find out what time it is in their timezone.

Where are Nintendo zones located?

You can find Nintendo Zones in locations such as McDonalds, Bestbuy and Future Shop.

Which boundary will you find a trench in the sea floor?

A destructive plate boundary (WITH a subduction zone!)