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Iron is needed for hemoglobin and red cell formation so a deficiency in iron will lead to anemia. A insufficiency of oxygen being delivered to the body will result in fatigue.

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Q: Why is weakness and fatigue caused by diet lacking in iron?
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Why does weakness result from diet lacking iron?

Iron deficiency in the body causes anemia. Weakness or fatigue results from the lack of iron because the body does not get enough oxygen-rich blood.

Is fatigue syndrome caused by diet?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not caused by diet. Eating right, however, can help you manage the symptoms of this condition. By following a healthy diet you can boost your immune system and give you more energy overall.

Caused by not enough iron in the diet?

Hemoglobin is not made properly and so insufficient oxygen is carried around the body.This leads to fatigue, weakness and a pale complexion.In severe cases, it can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.

Would fatigue syndrome be caused by diet?

Yes fatigue syndrome could be caused by diet because if you do not eat enough or eat the wrong things for your body, it will become malnourished and you will feel light headed and could possibly faint.

What is a food that lacks essential amino acids?

A diet lacking in an essential amino acid can cause numerous mental and physical effects. A few examples include fatigue, weakness, anxiety, and changes to texture of skin and hair.

Marasmus describes what form of malnutrition?

Marasmus-- Severe malnutritution in children caused by a diet lacking in calories as well as protein. Marasmus may also be caused by disease and parasitic infection.

How can unbalanced diet cause anemia?

Anaemia: Caused by iron deficiency, iron is used for making red blood cells & in the body's use of oxygen. Symptoms include fatigue & lack of energy, weakness & brittle fingernails. People of Asian origin may be more at risk of becoming anaemic as a traditional Asian diet maight not provide enough iron. x

What are the dangers if you do not have a healthy diet?

The dangers of not having a healthy diet will have multiple effects in the function of our system including many deficiency organ & tissue diseases, bone ailments ,anemia,ill health,weakness,fatigue,weight loss (anorexia) etc

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If you horse is lacking mineral what do you add to it's diet?

You add a salt lick to its diet.

Why does your rottweiler eat mud?

its lacking either a mineral or vitamins from its diet! if there is a deficiency in their diet then they will look for it else where.

If your horse is lacking minerals what are the ways you do to add minerals to their diet?
