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Because winds are produced by the action of the suns thermal energy, modified by the earth's rotation to some extent, and these driving forces are never going to fail or need other sources of energy, they will always be there, although the winds do vary from day to day due to the complexity of the atmosphere and the variation of the seasons

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Q: Why is wind power described as renewable energy?
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Why is wind power a renewable energy source?

Wind power is described as a renewable energy source because winds are produced by the suns thermal energy and this is never going to fail or need other sources of energy.

Why is wind power an renewable energy resouce?

wind power is a renewable resource because you will never run out of it.

How will wind energy help the US?

Wind power is an important form of renewable energy. Wind power converts the energy of wind into electricity. In order to reduce the pressure on fossil fuel consumption, renewable energy is a must.

Give three more examples of renewable energy resources?

Renewable energy! Solar energy, wind power, hydro power and Geothermal power. Hope i helped:)

Is wind renewable or non- renewable?

Wind is renewable. Wind energy is renewable because it harnesses the earth's natural winds. Wind power does not consume anything to be produced. It is the same basic concept as hydroelectric power.

Is wind renewable or non-renewable?

Wind is renewable. Wind energy is renewable because it harnesses the earth's natural winds. Wind power does not consume anything to be produced. It is the same basic concept as hydroelectric power.

Is wind power part of fossil fuel?


Is wind power a type of solar energy?

No, Wind power is just a renewable energy. Solar energy only covers energy from the sun.

What is the 2 renewable energy resources?

Solar Power, and Wind energy.

What enegry is renewable?

solar energy wave power wind power

Is wind energy nonrenewable?


Does wind energy produce renewable energy?

Wind energy is renewable energy.