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there is no oxygen . once blood has oxygen it turns red

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11y ago

yes it is, but when it gets exposed to oxygen a chemical reaction occurs which makes your blood bright red! weird!

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8y ago

It's not, it's dark red. It just looks that way due to the light filtering effects of skin, vein walls, and other tissues.

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Q: Why is blood bluish purple inside your veins?
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What is the cause of having purplish nipples and bluish veins with a negative pregnancy test?

veins are naturally bluish, for the purple nipples.... consult a doctor!

Why blood is donated from veins?

because you blood is inside your veins.

Is the blood in your veins really blue and purple or does it just look that way?

Blood is blue in your veins!

Why are veins bluish in colour?

They are oxygen poor. Blood turns red only when in contact with oxygen.

Inside your vains is your blood blue?

No, it is dark red. The veins just appear blue/purple, through the skin and subcutaneous fat.

What is inside veins?


What color is the blood in the veins?

Some will say that the blood is blue in the veins because your veins are blue looking. This is incorrect. The blood is in fact red inside the veins, the veins just look blue due to the way the light passes through the fat and skin cells above.

Is blood red when inside the arteries and veins?

Yes, but it will be a little darker inside the veins.

In which animal have blue blood?

All mammals have bluish blood until it is oxygenated. That's one reason why veins appear blue.

What Valves inside the veins prevent blood from flowing from the heart?

The blood in veins is not under direct pressure from the heart. It has little valves inside to prevent blood from flowing backwards away from the heart. These valves inside the veins prevent the backflow of blood in veins. They encourage the one-directional flow of blood to the heart.

Why Veins carry purplish blood but you do not bleed a bluish-purple blood when the vein is cut?

Veins appear blue because light, penetrating the skin, is absorbed and reflected back to the eye. Since only the higher energy wavelengths can do this (lower energy wavelengths just don't have the *oomph*), only higher energy wavelengths are seen. And higher energy wavelengths are what we call "blue." Blood is never purple although deoxygenated blood is a deeper shade of red than fully oxygenate blood.

How does the suffix change the meaning of bluish?

Somewhat blue; as, bluish veins.