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A cat's stool could be a light beige color due to the meal the cat has eaten. The color of a stool can change and there is nothing to worry about unless there is mucus or blood.

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Q: Why is your cats stool a light beige color?
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What shade of beige is best for a cats room?

Whatever shade you feel goes best with her fur. Cats do not perceive color the way we do, and don't care much about the color of the rooms they are in.

Are wild cats as fastidious as house cats about stool?

yes wild cats are as fastidious as house cats

Can fleas be light brown in color?

Yes, light brown fleas are commonly found on cats and dogs.

Is white stool in cats normal?

NO! That means your cat is suffering from that.

Is docusate sodium safe for cats?

Docusate sodium is safe for cats. It is used as a stool softener in cats that are having trouble with constipation.

What color eyes do silver cats normally have?

usually light orange or hazel, but it depends on the cat

Does color have to do with a cats eyesight?

no cats are color blind/

What is the most common color for a cat?

Actually, when you look at white cats, the usually have a light blue, or yellow/green eye color. On more poofy cats, it usually has light blue or green. It depends on the type of cat and what eye colors run through its genes. But in reality, almost all cats have either blue, green, or yellow eyes.

Blood in cat's stool?

The most common thing for finding blood in a cats stool is worms. Take a fresh stool sample to the vet to determine the type of worm if any to determine the appropriate treatment.

Why do cats enlarge their pupls?

Cats have large eyes to help them see. They have horrible vision so they have to have more color glands in their eyes. These color glands are blue, red, green, black,and white. They larger the eye, the more color glands, the better vision.

Can cats see color?

Cats, can distinguish between the low to mid light wave spectrum, meaning cats responded to the colors purple, blue, green and yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range. Cats are able to distinguish between blues and violets better than between colours near the red end of the spectrum. However, colour is of little importance to cats. They hunt by the motion of their prey, not by its colour.

Is it true that one color cats are only male?

NO! one color cats are also female!