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The doctor will tell you when you have an exam and then you will go in for an outpatient surgery to open it.

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my cervix is closed and the coil could'nt be fitted am i pregnant then?

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Q: How do you know if your cervix is closed?
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Related questions

With regard to pregnancy what are other reasons for a closed cervix?

A closed cervix outside of pregnancy may be an idiopathic, treatable condition. Idiopathic means we don't know what causes it.

Can sperm go through your cervix if cervix feels closed?


Early pregnancy is the cervix opened or closed?

Closed. S

What is a nullip cervix?

A cervix that is long thick and closed or admits only a fingertip

Your cervix was closed during your pap smear What does that mean?

when I went for a routine cancer smear my doctor said she could not do it because my cervix was closed.

I was wondering if anyone knew if it is possible to lose your mucus plug when your cervix is closed?

well, your cervix is closed when you loose your mucus plug. When your mucus plug comes out, that means that your cervix is starting to deface and dialate.

What does a closed cervix and a period means?

Uterine congestion

What does it mean when your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back?

If your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back, this might mean you are about to start your period. It could also mean that you are ovulating.

Remains closed until time to deliver baby?


What if you cervix has been closed but you have had bleeding and you have had about 4 clots and now a bit of tissue but your cervix is still closed is this a miscarriage?

Please visit your doctor for an evaluation. You need to be seen as soon as possible.

Does the penis enter just 2inchs.Is that any worry about pregnancy?

I'm not suer what you mean by this ? but i do know when having intercoarse that ur cervix is closed it protects the plasenta around ur child while the cervix is closed there is know way that a penis could enter but be advised if there is any pain or discomfort while having sex do not engage in it and advise ur doctor

Can a woman take a longer dick after a hysterectomy?

No.The vagina is closed by stitches after the uterus and cervix are removed If the cervix is retained then this is closed as well.The vagina is flexible and will expand and contract like elastic.