

Why is your chicken puking up vomit that is brown?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why is your chicken puking up vomit that is brown?
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Names for vomit?

Tossing your cookies Puking Barfing Recycling Throw up Bile

What is the opposite meaning of vomit?

vomited She vomited in the back of the car.

Please answers this question ASAP really need to vomit im in a car and i get super carsick. my sis gets carsick to but she is just puking away. what should i do?

take the bus next time, or invest in a bike... both will save you from cleaning vomit up

What makes vomit brown?

The food you ate ,which has gotten mixed up in your stomach

Can ladybugs vomit?

I have seen Ladybugs throw up a weird brown liquid but do not know why they do it.

Which type of chicken lays the most brown eggs?

The Rhode Island Reds chicken lays the most brown colored eggs in on year. It is said that this breed of chicken are capable of laying up to 200-300 large brown eggs per year.

Why is a babies vomit brown?

There are several reasons vomit might have a brown color including when you eat something brown. The reasons will vary with the shade. If it is dark brown and nothing of that color was eaten it could indicate internal bleeding and would be an appropriate reason to use the local emergency medical facility.

How did Zeus trick his father into puking his family?

Some say that Metis administered an emetic drug in order to make Cronus vomit up his devoured children, while others say that Zeus cut open his father's stomach to release his brothers and sisters.

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My daughter is 9 years old, she woke up this moring with a black/brown substance on her teeth and tongue with a vomit tast in her mouth. what can cause this?

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It is vomit. Please ?

It is vomit. Please throw up immediately and it should be relieved.

Can you make a sentence with the word vomit?

The smell of the vomit cleared the room. They had to clean it up quickly to avoid vomit stains.