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Your credit score is one aspect of your credit worthiness that is used to determine your qualification for credit (credit cards, loans, advances). In addition to establishing your general ability and willingness to repay credit, it can determine the terms of that credit (interest rates, periods, points). The score is widely seen by credit and capital providers as the "grading" of your suitability for credit.

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13y ago

In today's world, everyone needs to borrow money at some point. Very few of us can afford to by a house, a car, or pay for education costs up front. When a bank lends money to a consumer for one of these purposes, or any other purpose, they need to know how likely it is that the borrower will pay them back, and pay them back on time. They do this by looking at the borrower's credit score. The higher a borrower's score, the lower the cost of obtaining a loan will be for them. So if you pay attention to your credit score and keep it at a good level, you'll be able to easily borrow money at a reasonable interest rate for whatever you need.

A person's credit score is determined by a number of different factors. A primary factor is their history with paying bills, both on loans and for things like utilities, cable bills, cell phone bills, and credit cards. Repeatedly paying bills after the due date is harmful to your credit score. Letting balances go unpaid altogether, known as defaulting, is even more harmful can seriously harm your ability to get a loan or any type of credit in the future.

Credit scores can be used to determine auto insurance rates, and are also sometimes reviewed by employers when a person applies for a job. Your credit score is sometimes seen as a measure of how responsible you are, and how responsible it is for them to take any type of risk on you. There are many online services available that can help you find out your credit score, and can also give suggestions on how to improve it if it needs improving. Also, if you haven't had many bills, loans, or credit cards in your name in the past, it is smart to sign up for some and pay them responsibly. This will help build your credit.

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A credit score is looked at to see if you can obtain a loan or get financed for a house, car, etc. It is important to try and keep your credit score as high as possible.

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Any bank can help you with your credit score. However it is ultimately up to you what happens to your credit score. Paying bills on time is most important.

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Is credit score important to know when financing a vehicle?

Yes credit score is really important to know when you are trying to finance a vehicle and you can always get credit scores from a number of places like

When it comes to credit what is good?

A good credit score is anything between 700 and 749. It is very important to have a good credit score when wanting to buy a house.

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it is when you check your credit it shows you your score and tells you if it is good or bad and it is important because without it you could spend extra money on something you buy because you have a bad credit report score.

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A credit crunch is related to your credit score, because it means that banks are especially strict about who they will lend to. They are less likely than usual to extend credit to someone with a low credit score, so maintaining a high score is even more important than usual.

How can one raise their credit score?

The most important factor in a credit score is paying one's bills on time. Any late payment lowers the credit score, but a higher ratio of on-time payments will raise it. Paying down some debt will also raise the ratio of available credit and raise the credit score.