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This isnt something you should be asking online. Care for your pet and take to a certified vet or animal hospital.

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Q: Why is your dog is having seizures and vomits dark yellow liquid?
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What does it mean if a dog vomits a dark yellow liquid?

He is sick take him 2 the vet ASAP

What is the reason for yellow colour of urine?

The reason for urine having a yellow color is made up of a pigment called urochrome. The color depends on the amount and type of liquid a person consumes.

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No, you can not get sick after having yellow fever.

What liquid is yellow?

some yellow colored liquids are pee and lemonade

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some yellow colored liquids are pee and lemonade

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Liquid eggs are egg whites with yellow food coloring.

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I am unable to find the answer to this question but my son vomits a few hours after eating a red pepper but not green, yellow or orange peppers. Go figure.

What should you do if your dog vomits something other than 'yellow stuff' 'foamy stuff' or food?

Dogs vomit for a lot of reasons. If the vomit appears normal, ie it is yellow, yellow and foamy, white and foamy, mostly water, or food, then it is probably okay so long as he doesn't keep doing it more than occasionally. However, if he vomits something dark, something that looks like coffee grounds, worms, blood, or something else you cannot identify, then he needs urgent veterinary care.

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How to make yellow paint liquid?

Making paint is as simple as mixing paint. Yellow paint starts out with a white liquid base, then the yellow tint is added and mixed in thoroughly until the right color is reached.

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the yellow one