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The correct answer is Zimmerman was merely charged. He was not convicted the charges were dropped. Rumors are it was due to the influence of his father, a powerful judge in Va. Thus, he has no felony record and no prohibition on possessing a gun.

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Q: Why isn't zimmerman arrested when he is an ex-felon with a gun?
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Why cont a nonviolence exfelon have a gun?

Because of the 1968 Gun Control Act, which made it illegal.

Was George Zimmerman arrested for domestic violence?

Yes. George Zimmerman was arrested on November 18, 2013 for domestic violence, as well as aggravated assault, battery, and some other charges. He allegedly pointed a shot gun at his girlfriend.

What kind of gun did Zimmerman use to kill Trayvon Martin?

Kel tec 9mm

How much time can a exfelon get for gun possession?

Typical sentence with Fedral prosecution undr Operation Exile was 5 yrs, no probation, no parole. However, depending on prior record, could vary.

Why did George Zimmerman kill Trayvon Martin?

George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin during a struggle that occurred when the 2 men confronted each other. During the struggle, Zimmerman was hit and bleeding. Zimmerman pulled his gun and killed Trayvon Martin.

Purchase the gun over ten years ago for person arrested for felony can she be arrested?

Unclear what is being asked. If the person you purchased the gun for is a convicted felon, yes, she can be arrested if she still has the gun in her possession (meaning in her home or her vechicle, or ANYWHERE where she has access to it.

Arrested for shot a gun?

You need a lawyer.

Can you be arrested for having a tattoo gun?

Yes you can be arrested for having a tattoo gun, unless you are a licensed tattoo artist or legally can pierce skin it is illegal.

Can you get arrested for murder with a licesend gun?

Yes, of course.

Bring a gun over the Mexico border?

And get arrested.

I was arrested with a unregistered gun?

OKAY so what is your queston?

What happens if your are stopped and your gun license has expired?

If you are carrying a gun and your license to do so is not in order, you will be arrested.