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The severe acidity of the stomach was thought to be too extreme for bacteria to survive.

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Q: Why was it originally thought that bacteria could not be the cause of stomach ulcers?
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Why was it originally thought that bacteria could not be cause of stomach ulcers?

The severe acidity of the stomach was thought to be too extreme for bacteria to survive.

Can stomach ulcers be hereditary?

No, Stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria. A course of antibiotics will cure the problem.

How peoples ideas have changed about stomach ulcers?

A survey carried out in America in 1995 showed that: 90% of people with ulcers blamed them on stress. 60% of people with ulcers blamed them on food. Two years latter anther survey showed that: 60% of people thought that stress caused ulcers. 17% of people thought spicy foods caused ulcers and 27% of people thought that bacteria caused ulcers.

What do doctors give people with stomach ulcers today?

Antibiotics. A major contributor to ulcers is the helicobacter pylori bacteria.

What type of bacteria commonly lives in your stomach and cause ulcers?

due to its high acid level the stomach is normally quite sterile with very little bacteria. The bacteria which is known to cause ulcers is helicobacter pylori, also known as H.pylori.

How can we avoid ulcers?

Stomach ulcers are caused by helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach lining. You can't entirely avoid getting these ulcers, but antibiotics can kill the bacteria causing them and they then usually heal rapidly.

Can being overweight cause stomach ulcers?

it can, even if your too skinny Another answer: Most stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria and can be treated by antibiotics. They have nothing to do with your weight.

Which genus of bacteria causes stomach ulcers?

Heliobacter is the primary cause of stomach ulcers That should be spelled helicobacter. Specifically, the bacteria is called helicobacter pylori. The organism is helical and is found near the pyloric valve (between stomach and small instesine). pyloric = gateway (greek).

How has the scientific understanding of the cause of peptic ulcers changed in recent years?

Changes in the approach to peptic ulcers is not so recent but has been evolving over the last 10-15 years. Before, all stomach ulcers were thought to be caused by a combination of stress and too much stomach acid. Now, though, doctors believe the bacteria H-Pylori causes a large percentage of peptic ulcers, stomach acid, and reflux.

How are H. pylori peptic ulcers treated?

H. pylori peptic ulcers are treated with drugs to kill the bacteria, drugs to reduce stomach acid, and drugs to protect the lining of the stomach.

What exactly is thought to cause stomach ulcers?

An infection called h. Pylori

What year was the bacteria for stomach ulcers discovered?

2005 it was national science week's main presentation