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because if they do not answer the guestion are take care of the issue then they would be looked at as a bad represnative.

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Q: Why might a represenitive be able to more quickly respond to a citizen's concern about a personal issue?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What tool allows citizens to access updated public policy information very quickly and efficiently?

Government websites allow citizens quick and efficient access to public policy information. Information on these websites also enables citizens to check on elected officials. Citizens have much more access to information, than they did years ago, due to the Internet.

What effects did the great awakening have on the american colonies?

The Great Awakening notably altered the religious climate in the American colonies. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister. Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly.

What effect did the great awakening have on the American colonies?

The Great Awakening notably altered the religious climate in the American colonies. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister. Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly.

What was Lincoln's Ten Percent plan designed to do?

Lincoln's ten percent plan was designed to bring the south back into the union quickly.

Treason is the only crime defined in the constitution?

Yes Treason is defined as the only crime in the US Constitution because under English law; anyone was tried for treason by the whim of the court. It should be noted that those who wrote the constitution quickly admitted that the constitutional definition is for "citizens who owe no duty" (have no oath of office) and leaves normal treason (by government officials) untouched.

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Why were Jews concerned that Jesus should die quickly?

There's no "why", since there's no evidence for such a concern.

What tool allows citizens to access updated public policy information very quickly and efficiently?

Government websites allow citizens quick and efficient access to public policy information. Information on these websites also enables citizens to check on elected officials. Citizens have much more access to information, than they did years ago, due to the Internet.

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can solve complex calulations quickly which takes a long time to solve manuall

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Yes and this from personal experience. You have to wipe it off quickly before it tries.

When would the Fed use a tight money policy?

When looking to decrease inflation, and the real GDP level is above full employment.

Define personal selling and state the importance of personal selling?

personal selling involves face-to-face activities like telephones, Internet etc. its importance is that it provides immediate feedback and also it allows marketers adjust message quickly to improve communication.

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Agility is the word used to describe someone who can move quickly and easily. An example is a personal trainer or a professional wrestler.

The first ten amendments were quickly added to the newly ratified Constitution to?

They are known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution to guarantee American Citizens their natural born rights.

How do you use vapor in a sentence?

The water quickly changed to vapor as the room heated up and we were running out of time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intranet?

The intranet is important because employees can converse freely without a concern about proprietary information being leaked. The intranet allows employees to talk to each other quickly.

Does squash pie need to be refrigerated?

Yes! You must refrigerate pumpkin has milk in it and will go bad quickly. How do I know? Personal experience!

Will a guy just change his mind about you if he thinks you have rejected him?

Yeah guys change their minds really quickly make sure you make it clear your interested in him or else he might move on really quickly and don't take it personal its just how we are.