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Because it is a measure of the "resistence" of an object to be accelerated in its rotation. An object with a big moment of inertia is more difficult to increase/decrease its angular velocity (speed of rotation), than an object with a low moment of inertia.

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Q: Why moment of inertia is also called rotational inertia?
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What is rotational inertia?

Rotational inertia is sometimes called spin. It involves the movement of a mass around an axis. This moving mass will have some measure of kinetic energy that is due to the fact that it is spinning. The variables are the shape and the mass of the object, the way the mass is distributed within the object, the speed of its rotation, and the location of the axis of spin through the object. The moment of inertia might also be called angular mass, mass moment of inertia, rotational inertia, or polar moment of inertia of mass. Use the link below for more information.

What is difference between polar moment of inertia and moment of inertia?

Polar moment of inertia of an area is a quantity used to predict an object's ability to resist torsion.Moment of inertia, also called mass moment of inertia or the angular mass, (SI units kg m2, Imperial Unit slug ft2) is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation rate.

How do you decide the object which has the highest moment of inertia out of two objects?

Just moment of inertia is incomplete requirement as the axis about which it is to be measured is also very important

What is newtons first law of motion also called?

Law of Inertia.

What is the tendency of an object to stay in motion or at a rest until a force acts upon is called?

This is inertia. It is also Newton's first law of motion, also called the law of inertia.

What happens to moment of inertia of thin rod when its length is doubled?

Since its length is doubled, the number of molecules present increase, resulting in an increase in mass of the rod. And we all know that mass is directly proportional to inertia, therefore the moment of inertia also increases.

Why does the coasting rotating system slow down as water drips into the beaker?

Ans : By the formula of moment of inertia , I=mr2 (2=square) As by the formula it is clear that the moment of inertia depends on the mass and the radius of a particular body , so as the mass increases moment of inertia will considerably increase , So as the water drips into the beaker the mass of the beaker will increase By the law of conservation of angular momentum Moment of inertia is inversely proportional to the angular velocity ( omega ) , Since in the above case of coasting rotating system moment of inertia is increased so the angular velocity (omega) will also decrease and hence the coasting rotating system will now rotate slowly as compared to its rotation before dripping water !

What is the difference between inertia and Newton's first law?

no difference, the newton first law is also called law of inertia

How does mass effect inertia?

As inertia can be defined mathematically as I=mr^2it implies that inertia is directly proportional to mass that is if mass is increased the inertia is also increased and vice versa. Or in general wordings inertia is a property of an object due to which it oppose any change in its state of rest or motion and this property depends upon mass if mass is large then the inertia will also be large similarly if mass is small inertia will also small.Everything in Physics can be explained by the formula F = Mass x Acceleration.Inertia is the Force required to change the motion or direction of an object. Very often the term Momentum is used interchangably with Inertia, but that is not technically accurate.So, since F= MA,To accelerate a Mass from Velocity = 0, we have to overcome its "Inertia", which is the Force required by the above equation. As Mass (M) increases, so does the required Force (F), directly, and proportionally.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Umm, both of these answers above have some issues.First of all, Inertia cannot be defined mathematically - the person who stated I=mr^2 is referring to the Moment of Inertia, which is the rotational equivalent of Mass in linear situations.When Newton described Inertia, he used the word to describe the behavior of object to resisting changes in motion. It is a behavior - there is no measurement of a behavior, you either possess the behavior or you do not. In order to discuss the amount of resistance, the terms Mass and Moment of Inertia are used, depending on the type of interaction.The second answer has some bad language. Inertia is NOT a force. Forces are pushes and pulls... not a behavior. Also, one does not need to 'overcome' Inertia in order to accelerate. If there is a net force applied to you - you WILL accelerate. The amount of mass you possess will dictate how much you accelerate. (a = F/m)To answer the original question, the answer is simply this:Mass (and Moment of Inertia) are simply the means of measuring the behavior of Inertia. One does not 'affect' the other. The question you ask is analogous to asking "How does your age affect time?"

What does the mass of an object change?

If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

What changes the mass of an object?

If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

Why would changing the length of something change the amount of time for it to swing?

Imagine a pendulum, if you will. The longer a pendulum is, the longer it will take to make a full cycle. The converse is also true; if a pendulum is shorter, it will take less time to make a full cycle. The answer lies in the gravitational potential energy of the system, and the moment of inertia of the pendulum. Given a fixed mass at the end of a string with negligible mass, it is apparent that the longer the string is, the greater its moment of inertia (inertial moment is roughly analogous to the inertia of a stationary object). With only a fixed amount of gravitational potential energy to drive the pendulum, the one with a larger moment of inertia will travel slower.