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linen was used to wrap the body because it doesn't decay. it was also covered with a sort of gum liquid to make it last longer.

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Diabetics can lose feeling in their body parts, can have kidney failure, can have an increased risk for heart attack and stroke, along with blindness and an easier time getting an infection.

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Q: Why most commonly rather always linen is used in mummification?
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What is linen used for mummification?

Linen was used to wrap the mummy.

What was stuck up the nostril in Egypt mummification?

linen filled with natron.

Is linen a woven or knitted fabric?

Linen is traditionally and most commonly used to make woven fabrics. However, it is possible to knit using linen and some manufacturers do make knitted fabrics using linen. These fabrics are rather rare and hand knitting with linen is apparently tricky.

How where priests involved in mummification?

Priests were involved in every step of the mummification process including wrapping the mummy with linen strips and placing the internal organs in canopic jars.

What herbs were used in mummification?

They used: linen, natron, hooks, canopic jars, cloth, stone, paint, and a table

How many sheets of linen were traditionally used when embalming a body intended for mummification?

It took three thoundsand sheets

What are the levels of mummification for the lower class?

In ancient Egypt, the levels of mummification for the lower class varied. Some lower-class individuals were able to afford a basic form of mummification, which involved removing organs, drying out the body with natron, and wrapping it in linen bandages. Others may have received a less elaborate mummification process or been buried without being mummified at all.

How many yards of linen was used on Hatshepsut's body?

Mummification is the preservation of a body, either animal or human. Some mummies are preserved wet, some are frozen, and some are dried.Hundreds of yards of linen strips were needed to prepare a mummy.

What is the technique that is used today to preserve a body after has died for Egyptians?

Sorry, but I don't think we all know yet...

Can a purple cloth be used as altar linen on advent seasons?

No, the altar linen must always be white. Violet can be used for hangings on the front of the altar or sides, but the top cloth must always be white linen.

What materials where used in the mummification process?

there were 10 items used in the mummification process: 1.Linen 2.sawdust 3.Lichen 4.beeswax 5.resin 6.natron 7.onion 8.nile mud 9.Linen pads 10.frankencense

What metal was the fingers and toes covered in during mummification?

The fingers and toes were often simply covered in linen while the wrapping was taking place. Many priests wrapped them individually.