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Matter is conserved in a chemical reaction, meaning nothing "disappears" when compounds react. Accordingly, the number of atoms you start with has to be the number of atoms you end with. Similarly, no element can become another element, so there must be the same number of each kind of atom at the start and at the end.

If you don't balance the equation, you cannot use it to calculate yield. When you balance the equation, you are applying the law of 'Conservation of Mass' or as some like to include 'Conservation of Mass and Energy'.

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Simply because - since matter cannot be created or destroyed - everything on the left of the equation must balance everything on the right. It's up to the student to work out how to balance the equation successfully.

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Q: Why must a chemical equations be balanced?
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Chemical equations must be?


Is chemical equations required to be balanced?

Yes, chemical equations must be balanced due to the law of conservation of matter/mass.

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What is a balanced chemical equation Why should chemical equations be balanced?

A balanced equation is when the amount of molecules reacting are equal to the amount of molecules being produced. Chemical equations must be balanced because no energy/mass is ever lost when a reaction takes place. This is because atoms are simply arranged.

What is the formula for chemical equations is balanced?

The number of reactants atoms must be equal to the number of products atoms.

Why must chemical equations must be balanced?

chemical equations must be balanced according to the law of conservation of mass: mass cannot be created or destroyed. In other words: it's impossible to have an unbalanced equation that is correct, so do what your teacher tells you to.

What is a chemical equation balanced does it show?

Chemical equations are representative for chemical reactions.

Why must chemical equations be balanced using coefficients?

The number of atoms in the reactant and products must be equal to obey the law of conservation of mass.

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Equations show each side is equal as far as the number of atoms and molecules?

this is called having a balanced equation .....if both sides are not balanced u must correct it by changing the number of moles

Balanced chemical equations demonstrate?

the law of conservation of mass.

What do balanced and unbalanced chemical equations share in common?

Balanced and unbalanced chemical equations have the same elements on both sides, they have just been recombinded to form new products from the reactants.