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If they didn't, they would be lying and instead of trying to help others, they would be just pleasing themselves.

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Q: Why must scientists be ethical about their work?
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Why do scientists have to make ethical decisions?

Because scientist must decide whether what they are doing will be considered acceptable to majority of society.

Why is it important to scientist to put limitations on their works?

Scientists put limitations in their work in order to remain ethical in their work. They also do so as a precautionary measure in case something goes wrong.

The new heart valves cannot be used in surgery yet what trials must the scientists carry out?

the scientists must see if the heart valve is fully functional to work

Should scientists be permitted to clone humans?

This matter involves important moral and ethical issues. For the time being, the answer must be "no"; but that is not to say that we should not allow embro and/or stem-cell research.

Give some examples of moral and ethical dilemmas facing scientists?


Why is it important for scientists to behave in an ethical manner?

So that society can trust the results.

An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must?

An ethical dilemma refers to a situation in which you must

What are the ways in which companies deal with ethical problems?

Most companies have rules and regulations under which all employees must work. In case of ethical issues, disciplinary measures may be taken to correct the person in the wrong.

Why might scientists be ethical about their work?

Because if they are unethical it may cause complaints by the people which may lead to cuts in the funding and also they are people as well so they will follow the ethics they personally have

Why must criminologists be ethical in their research?

because they have to be

How is the subplot involving Charlie and the scientists resolved?

The subplot involving Charlie and the scientists is resolved when Charlie helps them understand the importance of ethics in their work and convinces them to make changes to their research practices. As a result, the scientists agree to modify their approach and work towards a more responsible and ethical use of their knowledge and technology. Ultimately, this resolution leads to a more positive outcome for all parties involved.