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The balance sheet, in its earliest form, was simply a listing of open balances in the various ledger accounts as at balance date. The total credit balances (Liabilities) were subtracted from the total debit balances (Assets) to give the net amount due to the owners (Equity). If the equity was greater at this balance date than it was at the previous one, then the business owner was trading successfully. If the equity was less, then trading was not successful.

These days the process is essentially the same.

Assets minus Liabilities equals Equity.

However, the notion of an 'equation' E=A-L was introduced to emphasise the double-entry basis for accounting. The equation describes the equality of resources or assets with the obligations to the sources from which they have been received. This can be better depicted as:

Source of Funds (Equity) equals Disposition of Funds (Net Assets)

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9y ago

Balance sheet represents the basic accounting equation which is:

Assets = Liabilities + Owners equity

Due to this equation balance sheet is always equal and which make sure that all transactions are recorded correctly.

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9y ago

it is always balance because it depicts the basic accounting equation it means all transactions recorded correctly if balance sheet don't balance it means some transactions missing or there are some errors.

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14y ago

As per the accounting rule "For every Debit there should be a Credit" and that is how balance sheet tallies where Liabilities is Debit and Asset is Credit.

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9y ago

Balance sheet should always be equal or balanced otherwise it means there is some error in any transaction.

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Why both side equal of balance sheet?

Both sides of the Balance Sheet equal thanks to double entry accounting. For every debit there is a corresponding credit and vice versa. therefore when you take the balances of all the accounts into a Trial balance they have to balance. A Balance Sheet is derived from the TB so the same holds true.

Why both sides of Balance Sheet be equal?

Accounting is based on the formula of Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity. the DR side of a balance sheet are the Assets while the CR side records Liabilities & Owner's Equity. Hence for the formula to be effective, both side of the balance sheet must be equal (balance).

What is the difference between a balance sheet and a budget variance?

A budget is all expenses of the performances which has done by actual forecasting in front of the income and sources but balance sheet is a sheet that we appear what we have and both sides of balance should be equal and shows the situation of a company but budget shows the estimation of the costs!

Does a transaction always change both sides of a balance sheet How do yo know?

Any transaction that gets reflected on the Balance Sheet will impact both sides of a balance sheet. Balance sheet represents what the company (an entity) owns and owes (to shareholders and debtors). If a transaction results in increase in assets (what it owns), the funding for it will come from investor and equal amount reflect on fund raised. You should not get confused with situation where both the impacts are on the same side which does not results in change of 'size' of balance sheet. For example you sell an asset for and receive cash. Then asset will go down and cash asset will increase. Both the changes are on the asset side. Another example on liabilities side would be raising equity to payback debt. Thus moral of the story is that size of the balance sheet is same on both the sides. So a transaction either changes two sub-accounts on assets side/ liabilities side resulting in no change in the balance sheet size or it will affect both the sides equally resulting in balance sheet remaining 'balanced'

Why the assets and laibilities sides of balance sheet is equal?

Accounting is based on the formula of Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity. the DR side of a balance sheet are the Assets while the CR side records Liabilities & Owner's Equity. Hence for the formula to be effective, both side of the balance sheet must be equal (balance). PS: It's not the asset and liabilities side but rather the Debit and Credit side.

Is interest on fixed deposit located on income statement or balance sheet?

both.. balance sheet under liquid asset..income statement under inflow/income..

Consolidated balance sheet proforma?

There is no proforma for consolidated balance sheet and both normal as well consolidated balance sheets are same with few differences.

Similarity of a trial balance and balance sheet?

similarities between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet 1. Both shows the financial position as of a particular date. 2. Both shows the balances of Ledger accounts and not the transactions. 3. Both can be used to do comparative analysis.

What does Total liabilities and equity equal on a balance sheet?

Total equity does not include total liabilities so both are not same

How do you determine if there is an error in balance sheet?

If the assets are not equal to the liabilities then a self-revealing error has occurred . However there are some errors which are not easily identifiable like an error of commission on both the debit and credit effects.It is always advisable to get an audit done to check your accounts.

How income statement affect balancesheet?

Income statement and balance sheet are both related to each other as transactions effect income statement and balance sheet as well and net income or loss from income statement is also part of balance sheet.

Why are profits and liabilities on the same side in a balance sheet?

Profits and liabilities are both credit entries on a balance sheet. They show how the assets (debits) of the company have been generated.