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Enzymes that are sensitive to changes in their physical or chemical environment, such as changes in pH or temperature will change their shape if placed in suboptimal environments. Most enzymes are proteins, and it's a protein's shape that determines their function. Change the shape, and the enzyme is denatured, and can no longer function for its purpose adequately.

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Q: Why must the enzyme exist in a specific type of environment in order to function properly?
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Why do enzymes lose their function when they are subject to extreme temperature changes?

When an enzyme is exposed to high temperatures, the enzyme will denature or unfold. Therefore, the enzyme will not function properly.

What happen to an enzyme when it is boiled?

That all depends on the enzyme. The majority of enzymes found in the human body would denature (distort and lose its specific active site shape) when exposed to too much heat and stop functioning. Some enzymes can withstand incredible temperature like the enzymes used by simple volcanic organisms. Most enzymes will have evolved to work the most efficiently in their native environment.

What are two factors that affect an enzyme function?

Temperature, pH, solute concentration, and salt content just to name a few. Temperature and Ph affect the function of enzymes because our body has a temperature of around 37 degrees and the conditions in our stomach are acidic. So9f or the enzyme to work properly then the working condidtions have to be at least 37 degrees and they need to acidic otherwise the enzyme won't work properly.

What happens to the enzyme below 30 degrees?

Enzymes work best at around body temperature. It the temperature is too cold then the enzyme activity slows down to almost zero. The activity of the enzyme steadily increases to a temperature of around 50 to 55 oC depending on the enzyme. After that temperature the enzyme is denatured and ceases to function. At 45 oC the enzyme is most likely still functioning but is close to the temperature where it will be destroyed.

How many functions does one enyme have?

One function. A enzyme is particular about it's substrate, so the enzyme can catalyze one reaction by lowering that reaction's activation energy.

What is the role of mgcl2 in the lysis buffer?

MgCl2 is added to the lysis buffer since Mg2+ ions are co-factors for the enzyme used in the lysis buffer. This enzyme requires magnesium ions in order to function properly.

What characteristic allows enzymes to function a specific way?

Each enzyme has a characteristic shape

What two things can negatively affect the shape or function of an enzyme?

The most effective cause of their nonfunction or unefficiency is denaturation that is to lose their native conformation by heat or some detergent and second is the environment provided as to function properly protein needs specific pH, temprature etc.

Does the allosteric effect in an enzyme change the enzyme's function?

allosteric effectors have their own specific sites for binding to enzyme. they can bring positiveor negative effect. that depends on the natre of effector.

What does the wrong pH do to the shape of an enzyme?

It will affect the shape and lead to reduced activity.

What is the function of sulphuric acid in the experiment of enzyme activity?

H2SO4 is used to denature the enzyme and stop the reaction instantly. by adding H2SO4,it will prevent further reaction of the enzyme onto the substrate and the rate of enzyme reaction can be measured in the specific time

What determine enzymes' functions?

The shape and size of the enzyme determines it's function because they're extremely specific. An enzyme will only work with one type of substrate.