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Different molecules have different characteristic vibrational frequencies for their interatomic bonds. They absorb energy that matches that frequency. The vibrational frequencies for O2 and N2 bonds don't match the main wavelengths of the energy coming from the sun or radiating back out from the earth. Water (~98 of the greenhouse effect is from water vapor) and other greenhouse gases DO have vibrational frequencies that match that energy and thus readily absorb it.

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Q: Why oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gas?
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Are oxygen and nitrogen important greenhouse gases?

Independently, oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gases (though N2O, NO and NO2 are greenhouse gases). The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Methane, although found in quite low concentrations is also important because of its proportionately greater effect.

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The chemical name of a greenhouse gas that contains carbon and oxygen is carbon dioxide.

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No, carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, not nitrogen.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Water vapor is a greenhouse gas that contains only hydrogen and oxygen.

Why do nitrogen and oxygen do not cause the greenhouse effect?

Nitrogen and oxygen are not greenhouse gases. They are unable to trap and store heat. 3-atom gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane store this heat and cause the greenhouse effect.

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Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas. It deceases the greenhouse gases.

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Nitrogen is more in the atmosphere. Around 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas and 21% is oxygen gas.

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Nitrogen oxide a greenhouse gas is mostly produced by - the answer is D

What does nitrogen do in the greenhouse effect?

Nitrogen (N2) is thermodynamically inert. Therefore it contributes essentially nothing to the greenhouse effect. The same is true with free oxygen (O2).

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