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Its caused by the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation to the plane of its orbit round the sun. Thus the longest daylight time is on the 21 of June and it slowly decreases until it is the shortest on the 21st of Decemberr and then it starts to increase again.

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Q: Why people in northern hemisphre experience longer day and shorter night in June?
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Why do people in the northern hemisphere experience longer days and shorter nights in June?

At that time of year, the northern hemisphere is angled toward the the sun so it gets more light and longer days.

When the north pole leaning toward the the sun are days longer or shorter?

In the Northern Hemisphere they would be longer. In the Southern the would be shorter.

Does India experience longer days or shorter days?

india experiances um...........................................longer days

Compared to the summer shadows in the winter in the northern hemisphere are generally longer or shorter?

The shadows in the Northern Hemisphere are generally longer in the winter than in the summer. Therefore in the summer the shadows are shorter because the sun is more vertical.

Do the days begin to get longer after December 21?

In the northern hemisphere they do, but in the southern hemisphere, they start to get shorter.

Why days are smaller in winters?

Days are not smaller, they are shorter. This is because the earth spins with its axis tilted and in the winter the northern hemisphere is pointing away from the Sun - this makes Northern days shorter and Southern days longer.

Is the days shorter and nights get longer?

In the northern hemisphere, USA and UK included, during Spring the days become longer and the nights become shorter. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, Australia, and South Africa included , during the same period the days become shorter and the nights become longer. Depending on which side of the Equator you are on , the seasons and daylight hours are reversed. During Autumn (Fall)(northern hemisphere), the whole process is reversed in both hemispheres.

In between September 23 and December 22 do days become shorter or longer?

Days get `longer` between June 21st and December 21st for the southern Hemisphere, while they get shorter for those in the northern hemisphere. Between December 21st and June 21st, the days get longer for those in the northern hemisphere and shorter for those in the southern hemisphere.

Will the northern hemisphere have daylight?

The northern hemisphere will have daylight due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, different parts of the hemisphere receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year. This results in longer daylight hours during summer and shorter daylight hours during winter in the northern hemisphere.

Do shadows get longer until it reaches its longest point and then it will start getting shorter?

Shadows get shorter as the sun get higher up in the sky and as the sun goes down shadows will get longer so shadows get shorter in the morning and get longer in the afternoon. Also, as the year progresses, the sun's angle in the sky at the same point in each day changes, due to the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth's axis. In the northern hemisphere, for instance, shadows get longer and longer (again, at the same time of day) until the winter solstice around December 21st, then they start getting shorter and shorter.

Why is the longer leg longer than the shorter leg if the shorter leg is longer than the longer leg?

Because if the shorter leg was shorter than the longer leg was long, then the longer leg wouldn't be longer than the shorter leg is short. The short leg would be the longer one rather than the long one being the short one.

How does the tilt of the earth affects the seasons and daylight length?

Our days are longer and our nights are shorter (more of the Northern Hemisphere is exposed to the light of the Sun for a longer period of time, creating the long days and shorter nights)