

Why is perception important?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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9y ago

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Perception is important because everyone does things for different reasons, and often enough there are several opinions on a matter. It is always good to keep a variety of view points on human behavior as to always look at the situation from different angles, and not be one-sided.


Helps to understand human abilities and limits, avoid sickness and injury.

Determines appropriate range for input and output (frame rate, resolution, etc.).

Helps understand that different senses have different range and abilities.

Determines appropriate sensory channel to use to transfer information.

Allows you to have better social skills and in a relationship when you have perception you understand the other person better and misunderstandings are less likely.

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9y ago

Perception is important for various reasons. The way one perceives something will determine how they will respond and act towards that particular thing.

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