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I don't think any universal laws like gravity or friction effect gases so my bet would be that some would stay in an some would go out. Only way to know for sure is to open one. well wait, is it a liqiud perfume? cuz then they're not spraying out gases its a mist of liquid in which gas the perfume would stay in the bottle.

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It doesn't turn into a gas, it just turns into tiny droplets of liquid

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Q: What will happen to the gas in a perfume bottle when perfume bottle is open?
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Can a gas diffuse to gas?

It can. If you put an open bottle of perfume on the table, you'll be able to smell it at a distance after some time, because the perfume vapors--a gas--have diffused into the air.

What phase is it when perfume is released from a bottle and you can smell it on the other side of the room?

The perfume is evaporating and moving as a gas, by diffusion.

How much dry ice would you require in a bottle to make the sound of gas escaping when you open the bottle?

Not sure why you need dry ice in a bottle to produce sound. Open a soda or other fizzy drink bottle and you will get the sound of the carbon dioxide gas escaping.

Is perfume a form of a gas?

Perfume and cologne are liquids in a closed bottle. When sprayed, it breaks into small droplets of liquid as it travels through the air. At this point it is a liquid and cannot be smelled. Rubbing the perfume into the skin causes the skin to absorb the liquid. Because the perfume is volatile, the liquid then slowly evaporates. At this point it is a gas and can be smelled. Note that some of the liquid quickly evaporates to gas during the spray, which can be smelled.

Why when you open a perfume bottle you can smell the scent?

well are nose is the one that smells it so you should ask your nose but really the answer is RIBOSOMES

When a perfume bottle is opened some liquid changes to gas and the fragrance spreads around the room. Which sentence explains this?

Perfume is made up of alcohol, water and perfume oil (fragrance). Alcohol acts as a base that mixes the oil, and also acts as a volatile ingredient to help the perfume molecules evaporate and spread in the air. Perfume fragrances are particularly detectable by the human scent receptors, even in very minute concentrations.

When you open a bottle of carbonated cola you see bubbles of gas bursting from the surface. What can you infer about the amount of gas dissolved in the solution before you opened the bottle?

If gas comes out of solution when a bottle is opened, then there must have been a greater amount of dissolved gas in the substance while it was under pressure prior to opening the bottle.

What does auf mean on a German propane gas bottle?

Auf = open zu = closed

Which gas escapes rapdily as we open a bottle of cola?

The gas to create bubbles in the cola is carbon dioxide.

Why does the gas rush to the top of a pop bottle when it is opened?

i don't think the gas stays inside the bottle forever. unless it doesn't open. then it stays in. long sentences short. yes it does

When bottle or can of soft drink is opened why does it pop?

because it fartsBecause it the gas is released into the open air

Why does soda pops when open?

Soda has carbon dioxide gas dissolved in it. In the closed bottle, the soda is under pressure, and so the gas cannot escape. When you open the bottle, you release the pressure and the gas begins to escape -- you can see the bubbles rising. That is what makes the pop-fizz sound. If you leave the bottle open for a while, all the gas will escape and the soda goes flat. If you seal it back up, then the pressure builds back up inside, and keeps the gas dissolved in the soda, so it stays fizzy.