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Because its wet when it hasn't been through the tower... gwan nath.

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Q: Why should ammonia be passed through the drying tower before collecting the gas?
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What is the substance used to dry ammonia?

By drying ammonia, I guess you mean ammonia gas.. To dry ammonia gas you pass it through a drying tube of sorts filled with KOH or NaOH pellets. This method is for almost dry gas, if you are getting your ammonia gas from a ammonia/water solution you probably have to predry it with anhydrous sodium sulfate or some other sort of dessicant before you lead it through the KOH/NaOH pellet filled drying tube.

What is dry ammonia?

Dry ammonia is dried ammonia gas. The process of drying ammonia is very easy to pull through. You will just need to pass the ammonia gas through a tube filled with KOH or NaOH pallets.

Can P4O10 be used to dry ammonia?

instead of drying ammonia,P4o10 reacts with it thereby disrupting the process.

Why you add calcium oxide when making ammonia?

Calcium oxide is a drying agent---it is used to wick away any water that wants to condense into the reaction (because ammonia is extremely hydroscopic).

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You have to use a very strong gel in wet hair then let it dry in a bun or scrunch and blow dry it at the same time but before blow drying put hair spray on and the do the drying and it will last through out the night

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To hold test tubes when collecting powders or observing it :)

How can ammonium bicarbonate be dried?

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yes i would

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What is Diagram of preparation of dry ammonia gas?

ammonia is prepared by adding any ammonium salt to an alkali. a vivid mixture of slaked lime and calcium chloride are placed in a round bottomed hard glass flask. the glass is inserted in a retort stand with its mouth facing downwards with a delivery tube inserted from the glass to a drying glass containing quicklime or calcium oxide. a gas jar is inverted above the drying glass...