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Because that's ahow god made them

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Q: Why some fishes have spiny dorsal fin only and some have soft dorsal fin only and others have both?
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What are fin rays?

Ray-finned fishes are a class of bony fishes called Actinopterygii. Their fins contain spines or rays. A finmay contain only spiny rays, only soft rays, or a combination of both. If both are present, the spinyraysare always anterior.

What is the similarity between whales and fishes?

What Whales and Fish Have in Common- 1.vertabrates in water 3.both have dorsal fins 4.have many different species 5.basic animals 6.both swim Hallie Roubinek

Both bony fishes and cartilaginous fishes have?

it has denticles

Is the scapular area is both dorsal and posterior?

Yes, the scapular area, i.e. the area of the shoulder blades, is both dorsal and posterior.

Do spiny anteaters have hair and spines?

Yes. The spiny anteater, more correctly known as the echidna, has both fur and spines.

Is true Both spinal and cranial nerves have dorsal and ventral roots?

Dorsal and ventral roots are a feature of spinal nerves only. Cranial nerves do not have dorsal and ventral roots.

How are thermal pollution and artificial eutrophication similar?

both depleate the oxygen in the water and kill fishes ... poor fishes

Are bass a spiny-rayed fish?

Yes. Both Morone (true bass) and Micropterus (largemouth, smallmouth and allies) are spiny rayed fish.

How do you identify the sex of a blue whale?

the males dorsal fin is strait and tall on the back of the dorsal fin and little curved in the front,the females dorsal fin is curved both sides

Does the spiny anteater and platypus lay eggs?

Yes. The correct name for the spiny anteater is echidna. The echidna and the platypus are both egg-laying mammals. They are known as monotremes.

Are the spiny anteater and platypus amphibians?

The "spiny anteater" is only a nickname for echidna. Echidnas and platypuses are monotremes which means egg laying mammals.

How are the front dorsal fins different from the rear dorsal fins?

help to keep them balance and to control through the water more easily