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The front part of a ship is called the stem. It is connected to the keelson and keel.

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Q: Why the chain does not slip from the pulleys when load is being lifted?
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Why the chain does not slip from the pulleys when the load is being lifted?

The front part of a ship is called the stem. It is connected to the keelson and keel.

How many pulley needed to lift a load?

The number of pulleys needed to lift a load varies based on the size of the load. A very small load can be lifted with just one pulley while large loads may require many pulleys to adequately lift the load.

What is the output force of a lever?

Force the lever will apply to the load being lifted.

A load can be lifted easily by?

A load can be lifted easily by using a pulley system.

What are the examples of combination pulleys?

an examle of a doulble pulley is an elevator or a crane in construction building.

What is the work needed to lift a box vertically?

The work to lift a load vertically is equal to the gravitational potential energythat the load acquires by being lifted to a higher elevation. The number is(mass of the load) x (acceleration of gravity) x (distance lifted)

Sentence for load in science term?

The lever, when pushed on, lifted the load. Hope this helps!

What is the object to be lifted by the lever called?

The object is known as the load.

What is the disadvantage of adding more pulleys to a system of pulleys?

There are two disadvantages:You will have to pull the rope a long distance to move the load a relatively short distance.There will be more loss of energy to friction with more pulleys.

What does load mean in science?

Load is the object/weight that needs to be lifted b the help of the fulcrum and the effort. The load is also referred to as an output.

What is the term for weight to be lifted or moved with a simple machine?

It is called LOAD.

Work and simple machines answer sheet?

The fulcrum is the part of a lever that does not move. The effort is the name of the force applied to a lever. The load is the weight of the object being lifted by a lever.