

Why the progeny of a cancer cell will be cancerous?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Cancer comes about because of a genetic alteration to a cell. Since cancer depends upon genetics, it is inherited by progeny, like any other genetic trait.

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Q: Why the progeny of a cancer cell will be cancerous?
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What can disrupt the cell cycle?

The growth of a cancerous tumor

What effects does cancer have on a cell cycle of a cancerous cell?

It can give cancer to all the other cells, so it causes more cells to be cancerous. It goes all around the body and the number of the cancer cells will get much more than the first.

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The growth and spreading of cancer cells are called metastasis

What is the relationship between cancerous and a tumor?

well one relationship that i know of is that the cancerous cell is what mainly causes the tumor to happen depending on what type of cancer you have

Why do cancer cells go through the cell cycle rapidly?

Cancer cells lack the gene that stops cell growth at a certain point which causes them to grow and grow and not stop. Therefore, in cell growth, a cancer cell has nothing to tell it to stop growing.

What will happen in the cell if it were to malfunction or die?

then, the cell is said to be cancerous. soon, these cells divide, and the person gets cancer.

What does negative malignant cells mean?

A malignant cell is a cancer cell. Once that is growing out of control. No malignant cell means the absence of cancer cells. This means the observed cells are healthy.

Do you have dormant cancer cells in your body?

One could argue that all body cells can potentially become cancerous and therefore they are all dormant cancer cells. But by that definition, a dormant cancer cell is just a normal, healthy cell.

Can a biologist learn about the cell cycle by studying cancer cells?

Yes, cancerous cells don't die when they're supposed to.

What are the organelles of a cancer cell?

Probably same as a regular cell, depending on the type of cancer. Cancerous cells are basically mutated cells that don't stop reproducing, hence forming a tumor. The organelles should be the same.

How is cancer is relates to cell cycle?

Cancer is related to the cell cycle because when a person gets infected, the cancerous cells attack healthy cells and then mutate the cells and then it rapidly creates new, mutated cells. The mutated cells then attack more healthy cells and the process is repeated. Cancerous cells can be killed with radiation