

Why was Galileo Gallei so important?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why was Galileo Gallei so important?
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The first documentation of Venus was done by Galileo Gallei in 1610. He noticed a bright object in the he sky when looking through his telescope. It was later on, however, that it was known to be Venus.

Why was Galileo important?

His discovery was so important because he made the solar system come to life.

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Galileo discovered the telescope, and phases of the moon

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According to Galileo why is the search for truth important?

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What was the most important contribution Galileo Galileo made to modern science?

He found the Galiliean Moons and improved the telescope.

Did Galileo favored philosophical discussions?

Galileo was actually a scientist, rather than a philosopher, however in those days, to the extent that science was recognized as a subject at all, it was regarded as a branch of philosophy. Galileo, however, performed important scientific experiments, so he was not just engaging in discussions.

Why was Galileo galilei important?

because he explore telescopes

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Why is Galileo so important to man kind?

galilieo galilei was important because he figured out that the sun is in the centre of the universe not earth, he also improved the telescope, military compass and the thermometer, also he started physics science as he dropped two different weight stone ball from the tower of Pisa to show that the heavier one do not fall faster than the lighter one... so that is why Galileo is so important to mankind

Who was the first astronomer to use a telescope for viewing the universe?

Galileo I am not so sure he was the first, but he is the most famous.