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because Cleopatra was with mark and they didn't want mark ruler of rome to give the government to Cleopatra

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Q: Why was Rome a threat to Egypt during Cleopatra's reign?
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What was the capital of Egypt when the reign of Cleopatra?

Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during Cleopatra's reign. In fact it was the capital for the entire dynasty of the Ptolemies.

What measurement system in ancient Egypt was used during the reign of Nefertiti and Akhenaten?

The Royal Egyptian Cubit

What events happened during Cleopatra's reign?

Her reign started with the Alexandrian war, then there was the assassination of Julius Caesar, the civil war between the triumvirs and the assassins, Antony arriving in the east and the rivalry between Octavian and Antony culminating in the battle at Actium. Domestically, Egypt suffered drought and famine during the first three years of Cleo's reign.

What year did king Menes of Egypt reign?

Menes's reign of Egypt from 3407 to 3346 B.C. was treated as the dawn of Egyptian civilization in many classical histories. In earlier Egyptian lore he was called Ohe and Mena, "The Fighter," and then was referred to as "The Established." He is remembered as the conqueror who first united Egypt under one rule and established the famous capital of Memphis, the seat of Egypt's unparalleled cultural achievements during the time of the Pharaohs.

What were the major events during Cleopatra's reign?

The major world events that took place during Cleopatra's reign was the establishing of Cleopatra on the throne by Julius Caesar, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Roman triumvirate, her alliance with Antony and their defeat at Actium, Octavian conquering Egypt. This latter event ultimately resulted in her suicide.

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What was Cleopatras rule like?

Cleopatra ruled as the last queen of Egypt. She had a ruthless reign.

What was the capital of Egypt when the reign of Cleopatra?

Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during Cleopatra's reign. In fact it was the capital for the entire dynasty of the Ptolemies.

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trade routes.

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The Muslims entered Egypt during the reign of Hazrat Omar (RAU) in the 7th century AD.

What major threat from spain was destroyed during elizabeth's reign?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was a major victory for England during Elizabeth's reign. Catholic Spain and Protestant England were rivals.

How did Cleopatra influence her nations development?

Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.Cleopatra retarded her nation's development. Before and during her reign Egypt was a free, independent country allied with Rome. Because of Cleopatra's misjudgments, Egypt lost its independence and became a satellite of Rome.

Egypt became monotheistic during the reign of?

Akhenaten. His son Tutankhamun restored the old gods.

What was the primary reform enacted during the reign of the first sui emperor?

"the creation of granaries to relieve the threat of famine"

What measurement system in ancient Egypt was used during the reign of Nefertiti and Akhenaten?

The Royal Egyptian Cubit

What significant events occurred during King tut's reign with regards to groups outside Egypt?

he died

When was Egypt's pyramids built?

It was built during the reign of the 4th dynasty Pharaoh Khufu which lasted from 2598 to 2566BC