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Cattle were important to people of many different cultures earlier than that. A good answer would be food and dairy products.

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Q: Why was cattle so important for the iron age farmers?
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How did the stone age - the iron age get their food?

Iron Age chaps were pretty efficient farmers who grew vegetables and cereals in enclosed fields. They used cattle to pull a plow then finished the crop by hand. They also had a lot of meat in their diet. Cattle similar to today's Highland cattle were widespread as was sheep, goats and pigs.

Why was the beginning of iron age significant in Africa?

iron tools enabled farmers to grow more food

Why was the iron age important?

It is the age of where men sttarted using iron in their weapons, ex: A dagger in Egypt.

How did western railroads contribute to the cattle industry during the Gilded Age?

Railroads allowed cattle farmers to sell more cattle because they could transport them faster and farther than ever before. The trains could also take cattle to places where it was not possible to move them along trails. The Gilded Age was the period of time from the 1870s to 1900.

What is an important metal that was known from about 1500bc?

Iron Age is the period marked by the use of iron implements, tools, and weapons. Archeologists consider the Iron Age the period that immediately follows the Bronze Age.

How important was iron to society?

Essential in growth of the Industdrial age

What work did the people of the iron age do?

mostly they would have been farmers ,but some people would be called upon to fight for their master.

What work did the people do in the iron age?

mostly they would have been farmers ,but some people would be called upon to fight for their master.

Is dietary iron comsumption is especially important for reproductive -age females?


What iron age used as weapons?

The reason it is called the Iron Age is because they made weapons and tools from iron. Often the farm tools were used in war because the foot soldiers were the farmers and that is what they had. Wheels were also invented in this time and chariots used in fighting. The bow and arrow was used as well.

Importance of iron metal today?

Iron is important to us because steel, which is made from iron, is the basis of most of the structures we build and of the vehicles we ride in on the ground.

What age was after iron age?

After the Iron Age was the Middle Ages