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because it was their food supply

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Q: Why was farming important to the people of the Fertile Crescent?
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What did people farm in the Fertile Crescent?

sumerians were the people in fertile crescent sumerians were the people in fertile crescent

How did people of the Fertile Crescent farm?

The people of the Fertile Crescent first gathered wild grains. They then scattered the grains and it became the early method of farming.

Where in Asia did people first start farming?

The first agricultural efforts in history were in Asia's The Fertile Crescent. So the place where farming began in Asia and in the world was the fertile crescent.

The majority of people who lived in the Fertile Crescent did what occupation?

Probably farming

Purpose for the rivers in the Fertile Crescent?

to make farming soil good for the ancient Egyptian people

Who were the invaders of the Fertile Crescent?

The invaders are the people who live near the fertile crescent.

How did people most likely arrive in northern European?

They came from the Fertile Crescent

What people ruled the Fertile Crescent?

the people who rule the fertile crescent were the Chaideans

What happened to the Fertile Crescent?

The fertile crescent is not that fertile anymore because of global warming. global warming affects the atmosphere, especially air pollution, and it makes us more vulnerable to the suns heat, as you have noticed maybe that it's very hot lately. the heat has dried up most of the fertile crescent. Well, I may be wrong (although I'm pretty sure I'm not) but I believe the Fertile Crescent is actually no longer fertile because the people who lived there did not practice sustainable farming. Therefore, they exhausted all of the valuable nutrients in the ground.

How did the fertile crescent help people do?

The fertile cresent helped people because they had no were to go

How do Fertile Crescent help the people?

The fertile cresent helped people because they had no were to go

How did the Fertile Crescent help people?

The fertile cresent helped people because they had no were to go