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The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was important because it played a significant role in the relationship between the North and the South. It resulted in the admission of Missouri to the Union as a slave state.

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9y ago
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14y ago

it was proposed because Missouri wanted to enter the Union as a slave state, which would ruin their balance. So it was decided that they would let Missouri in so long as another (free) state, Maine, could enter at the same time, keeping the balance and an imaginary line would go across the country to show where slave states would be and where free states would be.

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11y ago

It laid down a line in the sand, settling the issue of which new states could be slave and which could be free. This allowed the business of Congress to continue, and the USA to remain united.

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10y ago

The Missouri Compromises were made in 1820 and 1850. The purpose and significance of the compromises was to maintain a balance between free and slave states. The Kansas - Nebraska Act of 1854 negated the last Missouri Compromise.

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13y ago

It limited the spread of slavery to the western states and to new states that would form later.

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6y ago

To decide which of the new territories acquired under the Louisiana Purchase would become slave-states and which would be free states.

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10y ago

It kept the balance of slave-states and free states in Congress, so that the South was not motivated to secede from the USA.

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