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Because there was a lot of junk in the early solar system.

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Q: Why was the early earth hit with so many more meteors than the current earth?
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Why did the early earth get hit with so many more meteors then the current earth?

Probably there were more meteors at that time. Eventually, many of them coalesced into larger bodies - planets and planetoids.

Do all meteors impact on Earth's surface?

Not all meteors impact the surface of the earth. Many burn up in the atmosphere prior to impact. The majority of meteors that do reach the earth's surface usually impact desolate regions.

Why was the early earth hit with os many more meteors than the current earth?

There were more asteroids in the solar system eons ago. The atmosphere of the Earth was thinner. A thin atmosphere burns less matter when entering from orbit. Objects entering Earth's atmosphere from orbit always burn because of the friction caused. Friction causes heat energy.

Does only the moon have craters?

No, Earth has some craters, but not as many because Earth has an atmosphere to destroy or smallen meteors, but the moon does not, so it is hit by meteors more3 often.

How many meteors have hit earth?

1 hundred have hit Earth at the right amount because I know

Why was early Earth hit with so many meteors than the current earth?

When the earth was young, the atmosphere was thinner. A thin atmosphere burns through less material as an asteroid is falling. More Meteorites impact because there is less friction caused, and thus less heat. Some lighter substances actually can blow up when entering the atmosphere because of the heat and friction.

Why do many meteors never make it to the earth's surface?

The Earth has a thick atmosphere which burns them up via friction.

How do meteor stikes form?

A metoer strike forms when many meteors are striking the Earth.

How many meteors hit earth in a year?

Many, many thousands. Most are very small and burn up in the atmosphere.

Why doesn't the Earth have as many craters as the moon?

The Earth has a atmosphere that shields meteors from hitting Earth and creating craters. The moon has no atmosphere, so meteors hit it often, creating craters.If the earth had no atmosphere where many small meteors would vaporize , or there was no wind or rain or tectonic plate movement, and other geological forces that would eventually cover up such impact sites, and of course no seas, or plant life then earth woulld ovbiously have many more craters than the moon as it's a bigger target. There are well over 100 known sites on earth and more deemed as probable.Because the moon has no atmosphere, it has no protection from meteors, asteroids or meteorites. The last layer in earths atmosphere protects us from that. So that's why earth doesn't have craters.The earth's atmosphere (air), through friction, burns up most of the many meteors that fall to earth. The moon has no atmosphere.The Earth has an atmosphere that burns up many of the items. It has to be pretty big to make it to the surface. And the Earth has weather, which erodes and erases the evidence of many of the strikes that the Earth has had.

How many meteors have struck the Earth in the last 300 years?

Immpossible to say. Many millions, mostly very small, strike the earth each yesr.

Why don't really large meteors hit earth?

There are much less "really large" meteors than small ones. However, Earth has been hit in the past by such meteors, and it is likely that it will be hit again at some moment. For example, about 65 million years ago, a meteor impact resulted in the elimination of dinosaurs (and in fact of many species).