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The north wanted to eliminate slavery not for the beauty of the eyes of slaves but because the north was an industrial place, not like the agricultural south.

The north wanted just to protect the union .

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Q: Why was the north reluctant to eliminate slavery?
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Did the north want slavery?

No. North wanted to end slavery and south wanted slavery

Did the north fight for slavery?

the north did. the south had slavery, the north did not.

Who was against slavery north or south?

The answer is north. North is against slavery.

Why was there slavery in the north?

There was slavery in the north for the same reason there was slavery in the south, that is to work at labourous jobs.

By what year had most of the north outlawed slavery?

The North never had slavery.

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the north?

In the North they did not want Slavery , and in the South they wanted to be apart of Slavery ,

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Who fought against slavery during the civil war?

the north fought the south, and the north won north- against slavery south- slavery

Why was the north apart of the Civil War?

the north got into the civil war with the south not just for the cause of abolishing slavery but mostly to keep the nation together. president Lincoln knew that "a divided nation cannot stand" and was not reluctant to get into the war after the south attacked fort Sumter

How do the beliefs of the North compare to the beliefs of the South?

the north have slavery but the south did have slavery

What did the north want?

the north wanted to end slavery and the south wanted slavery

How did the north and the south differ in their ideas about extending slavery?

the north didnt want slavery but the south want slavery