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The Pharaohs heart was hardened, and the Egyptian magician also changed the staff into a snake.

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Q: Why was the pharaoh not impressed when Moses turned the stick into a snake?
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What three signs did Yahweh give Moses to show pharaoh?

God gave Moses three signs to show to the pharaoh that God had sent him. (Exodus 4:1-9) 1. His rod turned into a snake 2. His hand became leprous (as snow) then became normal again. 3. The water of the river turned to blood

What does the snake represent in Exodus when Moses' staff was turned into a snake?

There is no suggestion in the text that the snake represented anything except a real snake.

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How does Moses in the bible turn a staff to a snake and how did the migician in the bible copy him?

first of all God turned the staff into the snake, and second, the magicians where helped by satin (WHICH IS A VERY MEAN PERSON)

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It swallowed the magician's snakes.

What did Moses snake do to the magicians snake?

It swallowed the magician's snakes.

A snake symbolizing the power of the pharaoh It is represented on the hood-shaped headdress of the pharaoh?

Yes it is

God told Moses to throw his staff on the ground and it became a snake and he told him to pick it up by the tail why?

It was a test of faith. Once the staff had transformed - he was instructed to pick up the snake by tail - risking getting bitten - however, when he did as instructed - the snake turned back into a staff.

Who was the Pharaoh who committed suicide?

The Pharaoh who committed suicide was Cleopatra. She reportedly killed herself with the venom from a snake bite and she was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.

Who does god say god is to moses?

Moses was regarded as a great prophet who led the people of Bani Israel (Israelites) from slavery and harsh life under the rule of Pharaoh. His brother Haroun also a prophet was his "Wazeer" (Arabic for Minister or secretary); both were sent to Pharaoh to accept the message of god. Prophet Moses was the only prophet that spoke directly to god, although he did not see god but vocally received direct guidance (divine revelation) from god. His miracles included white shining light when god commanded him to take his hand from his pocket, when god commanded him to release his cane it turned into a snake, the parting of the red sea so that his people including his brother may cross over and the Pharaoh along with his army drowned. The Qur'an mentions Moses more frequently than any other prophet.

What was the First miracle Moses performed?

Exodus ch.3 relates how God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush, and the bush, though on fire, was not consumed. Other miracles (such as the rod, and the Plagues) were later.Earlier events, such as Moses in the Nile and being rescued by Pharaoh's daughter and later fleeing from Pharaoh (Exodus ch.2), were not stated as having been open miracles.According to Jewish tradition (and not stated openly in the Torah), Moses was able to escape Pharaoh's executioners (Exodus 2:15) only through a miracle (Rashi commentary on Exodus 4:11).

Who besides Moses had rods that turned into serpents or snakes?

Exodus chapter 7 describes how the Egyptian magicians also had rods that turned into snakes, as did Moses' brother AAron, whose snake swallowed up the other serpents. This passage comes from the Priestly author, who was at pains to emphasise the importance of the priestly caste and therefore of Aaron, who had been little more than a spokesman for Moses in the older version of Exodus.