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The switch from hunter/gatherer to and agrarian society was so important because for the first time in the history of humanity, people no longer had to be relatively nomadic. they had a more stable food supply that required less people to provide sustainence for their entire populations. by not constantly picking up all of their belongings and moving so often, more people had more time to think and create the first primitive technologies (wheels, wedges, chain&pulleys, etc) which later advanced man's foray into: architecture, commerce, and ultimately the industrial revolution.

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im not 100% sure but i think its because farming was more efficient;it took less time, got you more food, and it made you more money

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Q: Why was the switch from hunting and gathering o farming important enough to be called the farming revolution?
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What is the shift from hunting to gathering to farming called-?

The shift from hunter-gathers to farming was made from the switch from the paleolithic revolution to the neolithic revolution

Who started farming?

Farming began during the Neolithic revolution. It was the large switch from hunting and gathering to agriculture in small villages.

Why is the shift from hunting and gathering to farming called neolithic revolution?

coincided with the development of wooden tools

What term describes the period of time when humans turned from hunting and gathering to farming?

Well not going on much... but I think the Farming Revolution!

How did this economic activity differ from farming?

hunting and gathering isnt the easiest way to feed a growing population in the neolithic revolution.

What was the ancient period when people changed from hunting gathering to farming called?

The shift from hunting to gathering and then to farming is called civilization

What was a long term effect of the neolithic revolution?

Population growth, domestication of animals and plants, people farming instead of hunting and gathering.

What advantages farming and herding have over haunting and gathering as a way of life?

The biggest advantage of farming and herding over hunting and gathering as a way of life is that it is controlled. These methods of food gathering are more dependable than hunting and gathering.

What provided more food hunting and gathering or farming?

It was (farming) a more reliable and stable food source than hunting/gathering.

How did the southwest Indians get their food?

gathering,hunting,farming,and irragation

What invention was created so that people could stop hunting and gathering?

The discovery of farming allowed people to settle from a nomadic life of hunting and gathering.

What were the job opportunities for people in the Neolithic times?

farming, hunting, building, gathering.