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WW1: The assasionation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of Austrai-Hungary by a Serbian man was the event that started WW1. The underlying causes were imperialsim, militaryism, nationalism, and alliances. THERE IS NO REAL ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS ITS YOUR IDEA

WW2: Under Hitlers reign, over 6 milion Jews were killed. Also, Hitler wanted to have world domination. He invaded countries near Germany, which instigated the attack of the allies.

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11y ago

I don't no that much about World War 1 but, I know a lot about World War 2 including how it started. Some say it started between tensions between Japan and China, and then other country's just joined in but, I believe that It stared When Europe was launched in to a horrible Economic depression and many country's believed that war was the only way out.

Also, Germany tried to take over Poland and Poland tried to take over Germany and the other countries came in, which caused the war to begin

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11y ago

Short term: WW1 happened due to a build up of alliances throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The war started because Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Serbia, which wanted independence from Austria Hungary.

Austria Hungary then declared war on Serbia, Russia joined on Serbia's side as they were allied, this led to Germany declaring war on Russia and Serbia through alliance to Austria Hungary. The French then came in on Russia's side, so Germany moved to invade France, however due to the strength of the French-German border, the German forces tried to move through Belgium. Britain then declared war as it had promised to protect Belgian neutrality and Germany refused to leave Belgian soil.

tl;dr WW1 was about Imperialism and a tangled web of alliances and promises that pulled many countries that didn't want war, Germany included.

WW2 started because of several factors, Hitler's rise was due to the punishing nature of the 1919 treaty of Versailles that led to rampant inflation and punishing reparations payments. He then in the mid 1930s started to invade neighbouring countries to increase German power. This was at first allowed through a policy known as appeasement, but he was given an ultimatum to not invade Poland, when he did and refused to withdraw Britain and France declared war and the rest is history.

tl;dr WW2 was about Hitler wanting to increase the power and size of Germany and France and Britain trying to stop him after he invaded one country too many (Poland)

The previous answer was full of errors, I hope this clears it up a bit.

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15y ago

If you're asking why WWI and WWII were called World War I and World War II, it's because pretty much the entire world was in on the war.

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15y ago

In Word War 1 Adolf Hitler wanted to take over the world and he did. But in World War 2, him and his troops were defeated.

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