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the reason that water isn't entering our bodies is cause our pores are releasing sweat and it won absorb

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Q: Why water is not entering into your body when you take bath?
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When you are having a hot bath thermal energy transfers from your body to the hot warter yesno?

There are hot baths in Iceland where the water temperature is at our body temperature or slightly higher. If you take a bath in water at these temperatures your body will not lose heat to the bath water. At temperatures lower than body temperature it will.

What do witch use when they take a bath?

Water, soap or body wash, and shampoo.

What is a hot water bath and how is it used?

A hot water bath is a bath with hot water. You use it to take a bath.

How water does it take to take a bath?

hot water

Why should you not take bath in hot water?

No. You won't get all of the bacteria off of your body and then you wouldn't be clean.

Why does bath water increase when people take a bath?

That is because of water displacement.

Is it safe to take a bath after a full body massage?

yes, preferably with epsom salt. use warm water.

Why does some water cling to your skin after you take a bath?

objects have some gravity it will hold fairly more water in the larger parts of the human body

Is it better to take a shower or a bath?

The choice is yours! I prefer showers, as I take them every day before school. It's just a faster way to get clean than how it takes a little for a bath. It's better to take a shower because when you take a bath you are just bathing in dirty water that you just washed off your body and showers are just clean water falling on you. It is better to take a 5 minute shower. This saves water.

Which is Better for environment bath or shower?

It depends on the shower heads, bath heads, and the person. If you take a long shower, and use little water for a bath, bath is better. If you use a lot of water for a bath and take short showers with water saving heads, a shower would be better.

Can a pregnant woman take a bath?

You can take a bath if you are pregnant as long as the water does not exceed 98 degrees.

Why do take showers?

Baths take longer? It feels good to have warm water flow onto the body? Showers take less space and less water than a bath? Because our Moms told us to!