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Before and during World War II, Jewish persons were persecuted by Nazis (and many other Germans) because of the German view that Jews were responsible for their economic hardships, even for their defeat in World War I. Such criticism of Jews can be traced back many centuries, but it led to especially violent (and horrific) persecution due to the keen hatred expressed by Hitler and other German leaders for Jews.

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Q: Why were the Jewish people specially targeted by the nazi regime for persecution?
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During World War 2, they targeted the people of the Jewish religion.

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The Jewish people

Why was there persecution of the Jewish people during the Holocaust?

it was one of the principles of Nazism.

What were the reasons Hitler gave for the persecution of Jewish people?

He thought they were related to rats and his mother died of a disease and blamed it on the Nurse because she was Jewish.

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They came to America because of persecution, discrimination, and economic problems they faced in Russia.

Why did Hilter prosecute jews?

Hitler believed that people of the Jewish faith were dangerous to his rule. His persecution of the them was widespread and devastating.

Who were the people targeted during the holocaust?

The 'undermeshcen' although the 'final solution' was technically the 'final solution to the Jewish problem' so it was only the Jews. However gypsies, homosexual, asocials and the Nazis political opponents were also sent to the death camps.

Who was the largest population targeted by the Nazis?

The Jewish people. But the Poles - Slavs of any kind - were a bang-up second.

What made people want to be Jewish?

Other way round. Lots of Jews tried to pretend they were gentiles, to avoid persecution.

Were the Jewish people persecuted during the holocaust because of their belief in god?

The Nazi persecution of the Jews had almost nothing to do with religion. It was about 'race' and 'the Jewish spirit' (whatever that is).

How did the Jewish people have children during persecution?

While they were still living in ghettos, some Jews conceived children ... but the bithrate fell.