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There were no other Christian religions in medieval times. All Christian nations were Christian and still attending the Church that Christ founded.

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Q: Why were most queens Catholic in Medieval Times?
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Were medieval queens Christians?

Most medieval queens in Europe were Christians. Some were not. Aside from those areas of Europe where there were pagans, there were well organized and sophisticated monarchies in Europe that were Muslim, such as those in Spain and Sicily.

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Most queens in medieval times and today, are addresses as "Your Highness" on formal occasions. In less formal circumstances they might have been addressed as "ma'am" which is the form of address commonly used when speaking with Queen Elizabeth II.

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Was pneumonia deadly in medieval times?

Yes pneumonia was deadly in medieval times as most diseases were because there werent any antibiotics back then as there are today.

Who had the most power in Medieval Times?

The Holy Roman Emperor was the most powerful person.

What did the eagle stand for in medieval times?

Most of the time it was used simply as an heraldic charge with no meaning. In the later medieval period a badge portraying an eagle was sometimes used by knights with the first name John, because in Catholic Church teaching the eagle stands for St John the Evangelist.