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Because they allowed for the transports of lots of goods over large distances relatively easily. Allowing for faster transport and easily commerce

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Q: Why were railroads so influential?
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Why were railroads less influential in southern states than in northern and midwestern ones?

There were many fewer of them.

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albert einstein was so influential in science by a spiteball

How was the Bible influential in precipitating the age of industry?

While the Bible states that a worker is due his wages, there isn't a mention of railroads or infrastructure that precipitated the Industrial Revolution.

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Iron helped railroads so people can go there faster

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The railroads knew that the farmers needed the railroads to travel and trade so the prices were raised purposely to control the farmers.

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President Lincoln was so influential because he helped to get the 13th amendment going to abolish slavery.

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Factories were located close to railroads so as to facilitate and reduce the cost of shipping their products.

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Why was Christianity so influential so many areas of medieval life?

no me importa

Why was Christianity so influential in so many areas in medieval life?

no me importa

Why was Christianity so influential in so many area of medieval life?

no me importa

What are the comparative and superlative of the word influential?

The comparative form of "influential" is "more influential" and the superlative form is "most influential."