

Why were romans against jews?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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12y ago

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To retaliate for the revolt of the Jewish Zealots, and later the Bar Kokhba rebellion.

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The Jews rebelled against Roman rule in Palestine.

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The Romans crushed the Jews, destroying the Temple, killing well over one million Jews and enslaving many more. It should be noted that the rebellion against the Romans flouted the explicit counsel of the Torah-sages (Talmud, Gittin 56a). In the second occurrence, the Romans went so far as to outlaw the teaching and practicing of Judaism for a time.

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After the Romans banished the Jews from Jerusalem, the Romans renamed the city Palestine.

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No the Romans did not force the Jews to worship their gods.

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Jesus was executed for insurrection (rebellion) against the Roman rule.

What is the date of the Dispersion of Jews?

The date usually given is that of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE, when they were suppressing a Jewish revolt against Roman rule.However, the Romans did not force the Jews out of Judea in a single expulsion. Rather, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem only; and the rest of Judea lost its Jews slowly, over a period of centuries, as living there became too harsh.