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In 1940, Germany attacked France and occupied it. As part of the surrender terms, a portion of France would be occupied and controlled by the Germans. Other parts of France and their African colonies became ally to Germany and under their rule. Therefore, the French in Algiers had to fight any enemy of Germany or they could risk punishment from the Germans. As you may know, American General Mark Clark carried out a clandestine landing on North Africa in order to convince French General Darlan to order his troops to disarm when the Americans landed. This did not exactly happen as planned on the first day but eventually, the French soldiers laid down their weapons and the Germans could not do anything.

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It was a violation of an agreement Hitler made with France and Britain after the annexation of Czechoslovakia, not to use aggression to expand its borders.

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Q: Why were the French angry about Germany's invasion of Poland in World War 2?
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Germanys invasion of this country triggered world war 2?

Poland, on 1 September 1939

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What led France and Britain to declare war against Germany to begin World War 2?

During the 1930's, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland, so on 3 September 1939, in response to that invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

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I believe it's Blitzkrieg.

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Germany's invasion of Poland.

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the german invasion of Poland

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Invasion of poland

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The invasion of poland by germany

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The invasion of Poland

The invasion of what country started world war 2?

The invasion of Poland by Germany in Europe in 1939 caused the start of World War II. It was the line drawn in the sand.

What greman invasion started world war 2?

The German invasion of Poland started World War Two.