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They weren't. Considering that Germany did not allow Jews to do much of anything, the Jewish people were not greedy with money to the Germans or anyone else for that matter. This was just a lie to blame everything on the Jews and to make it easier to kill as many of them as possible.

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Q: Why were the Jews greedy with money to the Germans?
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Why were Germans not allowed in Jewish shops?

So as not to the Jews their money.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

How were the Jews different from the German during World War 2?

The Jews were considered different from the rest of Germans because they were Jews. They were stereotyped as being greedy and worth less than other Germans. Simply put, all the usual racist stereotypes and general discrimination. The other way to answer this is that they were one of the minorities discriminated against, while the Germans were one of the parties doing the discrimination. Also, for obvious reasons, the Jews sided with the Allies, while the Germans were the main Axis powers. Lastly, the Jews had no major combat involvement in the war. They were often the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, but they were rarely, if ever, combatants.

How did the Germans work the Jews to death?

The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

How did Germans accept the extermination of Jews?

Germans were not told that the Jews were being exterminated at the time, they believed that the Jews were being re-settled in the east.

Related questions

How did people collect the money when they turned in Jews?

There was NO reward. The money was usually handed over secretly, behind closed doors. Obviously, accepting money for anything like that from the Germans exposed the informer as a greedy collaborator.

Why were Germans not allowed in Jewish shops?

So as not to the Jews their money.

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

Why are Jews so greddy?

It is not accurate or fair to say that all Jews are greedy. It is a stereotype that has been perpetuated throughout history and has no basis in fact. Like any other group of people, individuals within the Jewish community have a wide range of characteristics, including their attitudes towards money and wealth. It is important to avoid generalizations and recognize the diversity within any religious or ethnic group.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

How were the Jews different from the German during World War 2?

The Jews were considered different from the rest of Germans because they were Jews. They were stereotyped as being greedy and worth less than other Germans. Simply put, all the usual racist stereotypes and general discrimination. The other way to answer this is that they were one of the minorities discriminated against, while the Germans were one of the parties doing the discrimination. Also, for obvious reasons, the Jews sided with the Allies, while the Germans were the main Axis powers. Lastly, the Jews had no major combat involvement in the war. They were often the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, but they were rarely, if ever, combatants.

How did the Germans work the Jews to death?

The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

What happened to the Germans when they liberated the Jews?

There's a muddle here. The surviving Jews were liberated by the Allies, not by the Germans.

How did Germans accept the extermination of Jews?

Germans were not told that the Jews were being exterminated at the time, they believed that the Jews were being re-settled in the east.

What did the Jews of sighet think of the Germans in the book night?

the jews thought that the germans were awful people. That the germans had brought them to hell. (my english professor told me this answer)

Did the jews ever deny the germans work?

Jews did not prevent Germans from working at any time in German history.