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astroneomers were not shunned because of the geocentric model but the heliocentric model (with the sun in the middle of the universe). This was because religious leaders believed that god created the earth as the center of the universe and this idea was believed by nearly everybody.

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Q: Why were these early astronomers shunned by finding the geocentric model?
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The belief of early astronomers that the Earth was the center of the universe is called the?

geocentric theory

Why did early astronomers believe the geocentric model was true?

Because they thought that planets moved on little circles that moved on bigger circles, and they didnt have modern technology like other astronomers had

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GEOCENTRIC THEORY You already know as a fact that the Earth and all solar system bodies orbit the Sun but for centuries astronomers believed that the Sun and planets orbited the Earth. To us it looks natural.

The belief of early astronomers that the Earth was the center of the universe is called?

This is called the Geocentric model, from the latin prefix "Geo-" for earth or ground. This was dropped by the scientific community at the beginning of the renaissance for the Heliocentric model, which states that the sun is the center of the universe. However, even this has been abandoned. The general consensus now is that the universe has no definite center or, if it does, we can never find it due to the dimensional 'curvature' it has.

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What scientific skills did early astronomers use?

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How was ptolemy's different from the earlier Greek model?

Ptolemy's model is different from the earlier Greek model because Ptolemy developed a compllex geocentric model of the universe and his model seemed to explain motions until the 1500s.The early Greek astronomers believed that Earth was the center of the universe.

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Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered by astronomers early in the 19th century.