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Why would you WANT to go back? Narcissists will make up stuff to blame you with just to get out of the relationship. They NEVER take responsibility.

Do NOT go back. Institute NO CONTACT and run!

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16y ago

Because he is a narcissist. Just leave him, honey.It gets worse, not better I promise.

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Q: Why would a narcissist want you back if he thinks you cheated on him?
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Why would a guy think of a girl cheated him but she never cheated him?

I think a guy who thinks a girl has cheated only has a guilty subconscious because he is doing the same thing and knows that it is wrong, and he does not want karma coming back to him through the girl.

Would you want your spouse back after he cheated on you?

yes. you have to have them.

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No, i would not.

Can a narcissist become pathologically jealous of his mate and constantly believe he is being cheated on?

A narcissist doesn't feel jealousy, but rather doesn't like losing his prey. He likes control and wants his prey back to continue to abuse and demean his victim. Narcissists have no respect for women whatsoever!

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If you cheated on your husband then that means you did not love him in the first place. If you truly loved him, you would not have cheated. So in the end, basically your actions are irreversible.

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You have your answer in your question. He is a narcissist and because of that he thinks that you can't live without him. I wouldn't contact him in any way. If you do so you are inviting him in your life. You are well rid of him and keep it that way. I would block is number and email just to be sure of no contact.

Would setting up a narcissist to pay him back injure him?

Yes. So what? They need to be held accountable!

How do you get boyfriend back after he cheated on me?

not to be rude but if he cheated on you i would not take him back. find some one else there are plenty of fish in the sea. no man should cheat on there girl. because he cheated on you if you do get him back he's going to do it again and again behind your back and im not trying to be rude just trying to keep you from getting hurt again

How do you tell a girl that she is being cheated on when she thinks I'm just jealous?

Let her find out for herself and get hurt if she won't listen to you. She'll come back to you later and tell you that you were right.

Can you get your kids back after losing them to a narcissist liar and believing a narcissist liar?

well yeah. but it matters. how did you lose them?

How do you get your ex boy friend back after you cheated?

You can't! Shouldn't of cheated on him you jerk. If does come back to you he is not worth it anyway!

Can you change a narcassist?

A narcissist would not want help because he or she would not think there was anything wrong. Therefore, you can't help a narcissist; even when a narcissist is court ordered into therapy, there is little a professional can do to help a person change this personality type.