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I've been married a few months now and didn't live with my husband before I married him. However, a month after we started cohabiting he began to be verbally abusive to me, all the classic signs are there ... aside from being disturbed over his behavior and rages I've been noticing a very scary pattern, he gets sexually aroused after his episodes of name calling and rages. Does anyone have any information regarding this???

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Q: Why would an abuser become excited sexually during or after their abusive rages?
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Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

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The word "thirsty" either means being physically dehydrated or to become sexually excited.

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Data shows that a child who is abused will in turn become an abuser later in life. The life of an abused child is affected his/her entire life.

After being in a verbally abusive relationship does the victim often become the abuser in her next relationship?

It does often happen that people will learn how to get their way through verbal aggression, from their own experiences of being verbally abused. Life is an endless learning experience, but sometimes people learn the wrong things. Answer I think it COULD happen but I think it would be the exception and not the rule. Victims in these kinds of situations are usually not abusive types of people - that's why they are victims. If it is an adult who grew up in a verbally abusive environment they may be the victim for a while and then finally snap and turn the tables and become the abuser but I think in most circumstances the victim would not become the abuser in the next relationship.

Can avoiding an abusive argument be giving the abuser approval for his abusive behavior?

I can speak from experience but no two relationships are the same. I agree this could spark problems for the abuser to handle but if it truly is a violent relationship then i would not advise aggravating the situation unless my bags were packed and the engine running. Most abusive relationships are built on intimidation and control by standing up for yourself by reading and flaunting articles about abuse could cause a bad situation to become worse or or a week relationship to fall apart.

When does abuse start?

Often abuse is learned in the environment in which a child or children are brought up. If the father abuses the mother or, in some cases even the mother can abuse the father. Even though the environment in which the abuser grew up and learned to be abusive a person with genetics to have anger issues can also become an abuser.

Are emotional abusers nice to some people and abusive to other people?

There are usually abusive to to their victims, but to others that they meet, they are very friendly and polite. They are not hostile to those who they do not wish to control. It is important to note that they may initially be friendly to their victim, only to become increasingly aggressive and abuser as time progresses.

Can dealing with childhood abandonment issues through therapy help narcissists improve?

Absolutely. Of course, not all abusers will or can change. Be careful not to revel in what may be a false hope. Dealing with issues in childhood which may have made the abuser abusive will be very helpful, but could also be traumatic for the abuser. The abuser often has trouble dealing with emotions, and so could become aggressive and violent throughout this part of counseling.

Will my boyfriend be an abuser if he yells at his mom?

Answer:The Boyfriend might become an abuser, but in the long run he will learn from his mistakes and i believe no, he will not become an abuser, if you feel like your being abused walk away =3